How does USC Senior Care differ from Medicare HMOs?
There are distinct advantages to USC Senior Care over Medicare HMOs:
- You can choose to see any Medicare provider.
- Pre-approvals or referrals are not necessary.
- You can be treated in any Medicare-approved hospital.
Does USC Senior Care coverage extend to my family members?
Spouses, mutual financial dependents or registered domestic partners that are enrolled in Medicare parts A and B are eligible for USC Senior Care. Dependents children are not covered by the plan.
Is my eligibility for the plan determined by my health status?
–No. Your eligibility is not impacted by health status or pre-existing conditions.
Am I eligible for this program if I don’t live in Southern California?
–Yes. You do not have to live in Southern California to be eligible for this program. You may seek care from any Medicare provider, anywhere in the U.S.
Can I dis-enroll from Senior Care and re-enroll later?
–Yes. You may re-enroll even if you have dis-enrolled from Senior Care.
What are the enrollment periods for Medicare Part A and B?
Initial enrollment period
- During the 7-month period that starts 3 months before the month you turn 65
- Coverage starts the first day of your birth month, unless your birthday is on the first day of the month, then your coverage starts the first day of the prior month
Special enrollment period
- 8-month period that starts the month after the employment ends or group health plan insurance based on current employment ends, whichever happens first
- Coverage first day of month after enrollment
General enrollment period for Medicare
- January 1 through March 31
- Coverage starts July 1
What are the enrollment periods for Medicare Part C and D?
Initial enrollment period
- During the 7-month period that starts 3 months before the month you turn 65
- Coverage starts the first day of the month after you ask to join a plan. If you join during one of the 3 months before you turn 65, your coverage will begin the first day of the month you turn 65.
Special enrollment period
- 2 full months after prior coverage ends
- Coverage starts first day of next month, or you can delay up to 3 months after enrolling
General enrollment period for Medicare
- October 15 – December 7
- Coverage starts January 1
When are premiums due?
Payment is due the first of every month. Automatic credit card or bank deductions, will be charged on the first of the month.
Are dependent children eligible for Senior Care?
–No. Only spouse/partner’s are eligible. See eligibility for more information
Are Full-Time Faculty eligible for Senior Care?
–No. Full-time faculty are not eligible for Senior Care. While working as full-time eligible, you are covered under your employer sponsored insurance. When you retire and are no longer eligible for employer sponsored insurance, you must enroll in Medicare B before signing up for Senior Care.
How do I enroll in Senior Care?
Senior Care Enrollment Information – Click Here
How do I enroll in Medicare?
Medicare Enrollment Information – Click Here
Do you have other questions not answered here?
Call Member Services: (213) 740-0035